Pacific International Quilt Festival 2023

“When you hear hoofbeats, sometimes it is a zebra” is selected into the Pacific International Quilt Festival 2023, October 12 – 15 at the Santa Clara Convention Center, in Santa Clara, CA. The PIQF is my third international art show this year. It is humbling to be selected among such talented artists.

The category for 2023 was “Preserverance.” The story that resulted in the quilt design, as well as the physical creation of the quilt is the epitome of preserverance. Trying to recover from incurable diseases and thrive despite them is a daily fight. The quilt tells the story of myself and fellow SCADsters and reached over 17,000 people while on juried display in Des Moines and will now reach thousands in CA. It is a beautiful thing when art can create awareness, and possibly save a life. You can read my earlier blog to learn more about this quilt.

Seize every day!


Two Art Quilts selected for Vision Gallery Exhibition


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