“Bloom” Awarded Honorable Mention

My prior post was about how “Bloom” was juried into The Lincoln Center’s 40th Annual New Legacies: Contemporary Art Quilts exhibition by fiber artists Lea McComas, Valerie Maser-Flanagan and Vicki Carlson. Saturday night was opening reception and judge Lea McComas selected “Bloom” for an Honorable Mention! It was a very exciting evening. The Lincoln Center and their staff were gracious hosts with a lovely gallery space. Lea McComas provided insightful and detailed analysis of her awards selection. Later in the evening, I was able to talk with her about Bloom which is a moment I will remember forever. Seeing and reading about Lea’s work more than a decade ago is why I became a thread painter, so how thrilling to receive an award from her of all fiber artists.

All the artwork on display was incredible and the talent in the gallery is overwhelming. The selected work was diverse and featured many difficult techniques. Several of the artists were at the exhibit and it was fun talking shop and hearing about artist’s journeys. Thank you to The Lincoln Center for supporting fiber artists and to the talented jurors for their valuable resource of time. Read more about the exhibit and see the list of international artists on display at 40th Annual New Legacies: Contemporary Art Quilts - The Lincoln Center (lctix.com). Much of the artwork is for sale so stop by!


Quilt juried into AQS - Grand Rapids


Juried in 40th Annual New Legacies: Contemporary Art Quilts