Wall art quilt submitted to Quiltweek
March 28, 2023
Modern Minimalist Snowflake has been submitted to Quiltweek national competitions in Grand Rapids and Des Moines. Wish me luck! The worlds most talented fiber artist submit to Quickweek each year and the competition and expertise is fierce. It has always been a dream to be accepted at this elite level. My wonderful husband’s constant knudging finally got me to take the chance. Late March 26, 2023 after telling him I was not submitting it for months every time he asked, I told him I changed my mind. He could have gotten angry with me for waiting until the last day to enter, but instead jumped into action and helped me photograph the quilt with enthusiasm. The only berating he gave me was that he did not understand why I did not see it winning the whole show. This show is impressive. The skill that pushes the boundaries of what fabric and thread can do is amazing. The first time my husband went to a Quilt show of this magnitude was after my second SCAD widow maker heart attack. I told him I was going. He would normally not go, but he was afraid to let me go alone since I was still in recovery. Two minutes after walking in the show door he says, “This is like going to a museum!” Yup, the shows are that good. Art at an unimaginable scale. I hope you are lucky enough to go some day too.